Low-cost on-board weighing
The Sprint is a smart business investment that provides basic weighing for compact machines such as tractors and forklifts. The simple interface makes this system ideal for those who are in a hurry to save money.
By accurately weighing and helping to correctly load materials, the LOADRITE Sprint helps to load safely and accurately. Overloading of vehicles is minimized which eliminates lost product, fines and mechanical stress from overloading.
Overloading of vehicles is minimized which eliminates lost product, fines along with mechanical stress from overloading.
Construction sites and warehouse operations benefit from the time and money saved by moving the right amount of material quickly.
The Sprint can support four separate weighing implements, allowing weighing with a selection of pre-calibrated implements, e.g. buckets and forks
Optional printing and data logging makes the LOADRITE Sprint ideal to get the most out of your compact machines.
Features & Benefits
- Accurately load the first time by weighing the stationary bucket or forklift loads.
- Load to the correct weight regardless of whether the material is wet or dry.
- The running total function allows tracking of total weight loaded over a shift, a week and also a month.
- Weighing each load ensures that trucks are not loaded beyond legal limits and loaders are also working within their safe working load.
- Prevent overloading by accurately weighing each load.

Additional options
LOADRITE LP950 is compatible with every LOADRITE onboard weighing system. This direct plug-in accessory delivers time-stamped as well as deliver dated hard copies of all weighing information instantly.
Operators can easily report loading activity through the day with daily product totals such as:
• Daily customer totals
• Daily machine totals