The Customer
WIK Timber Holdings is an Australian Indigenous Company 100% owned by Wik people of Aurukun, Cape York Peninsula in far North Queensland.
Wik Timber salvage trees from mining leases on their traditional homelands, before they are cleared and burnt. These high value timbers are used for construction and fine timber work.
They have worked in partnership with Rio Tinto to develop a holistic timber harvesting project that will produce up to 125,000 tonnes of timber for export and domestic markets.

The Install
Our NQ & NT based Service Tech Michael headed up to Portsmith just outside of Cairns to visit WIK Timbers and their CAT 950K Wheel Loader.
The loader is used for lifting timber and they requested a Loadrite L2180 & LP950 Printer be fitted to their machine.
The Install was quite straight forward however, the calibration required some inventive thinking and some teamwork by SmartTech and the client to come to a successful and correct outcome.
This is a rare machine for us to see in the field and isn’t she a beauty!

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